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Aurora News February 2023

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Show your teeth some love this Valentines Day! ❤️

With January a distant memory and the nights slowly getting lighter, we very much welcome February. 
Recognised as the month of love, we hope you all feel love and appreciation from someone close to you!  

We hope you enjoy the read!

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At Aurora, we are hosting an Exclusive Invisalign® Open Event from the 20th - 28th February at these 4 locations
Invisalign teeth straightening only £2995.00!

Chippenham - Corsham - Swindon - Devizes

Our Exclusive Offer Includes: 

FREE Consultation with an Invisalign® Dentist

FREE 3D Digital Scan - see your new smile with our exclusive iTero scanner!

FREE Night time Retainers

Unlimited Aligners*

Flexible payment options from £62.37 per month!

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Launching our new Aurora Membership from only £20.50 per month! Our new membership includes couples and family discounts and under 5s are FREE!
PLUS, access to our discounted members price list.

If you would like join please contact our team today. 

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We are delighted to introduce Facial Aesthetics as a new treatment to Aurora Dental in March.

Megan, our Facial Aesthetics provider is a qualified Dental Hygienist and has been working in our Swindon clinic for 2 years.
Megan is fully trained in providing filler and anti wrinkle treatments. She provides a holistic approach to address cosmetic concerns in a CQC registered environment.

If you would like to find out more, click the link below for a FREE consultation!

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Do you have a missing tooth?
Would you love to improve your smile in 2023?

This month’s Smile of The Month goes to Dr Carl Lazzari's patient.
What an incredible transformation for this lovely patient!

This treatment plan included a Digital Smile Design, Implant and Whitening

If now is the time for you to smile again, we offer Complimentary Consultations to get you started on your journey. 

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Aurora's Guide to a Healthy Start to the New Year!

Eat a healthy balanced diet avoid processed foods and eat plenty of wholesome foods

Get Moving exercise regularly - try to walk 10,000 steps per day

Drink lots of water to stay hydrated - limit sugary drinks

Get enough good quality sleep - getting enough quality sleep cannot be overstated

Reduce alcohol intake 

Nurture your social relationships - it's so important to your mental well being and physical health.

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Dr Mary Jane Thompson will be running the London Marathon on the 23rd April for the

❤️ British Heart Foundation ❤️

The British Heart Foundation raises money to fund research to prevent, detect, treat and cure all heart and circulatory diseases, including heart attacks, strokes and vascular dementia.

You are able to make a donation to this fantastic cause using the link below!

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Our lovely Dental Nurse Emma got engaged in New York this month! Many Congratulations to both Emma and Henry on their engagement. Wishing you both many happy years together.

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Congratulations to our hardworking Patient Co-ordinator Evie for passing her Business Administration Apprenticeship!

We are all so proud of you!

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“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written”

Corsham       Chippenham        Swindon      Devizes